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As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. - 1 Peter 4:10-11



DSC07086-4Tech Team

Team Leader: Lucas Roybal

All things done should be done to the glory of God and therefore with excellency, which is why we have a designated audio/visual team. 

Tasks: Provide clear and reliable audio for the congregation, worship team and pastors. Slide preparation for announcements, sermon notes, lyrics etc. Video recording of entire service and sermon for web upload and cry/nursery rooms. 

Time Commitment: One - Two times a month Saturdays: 9am-10am & Sundays: 9am - 12:15am





Team Leader: Seth Roybal

If you would like to serve our congregation through music on Sunday morning please contact Seth Roybal. Our goal as the worship team is to use music to excellently lead and support the singing of the congregation in spirit and truth.

Time Commitment: Each team usually serves once a month with one extra rehearsal. 



judi astadurian

Kids Ministries

Team Leader: Judi Astadurian

Tasks: Providing excellent care for our nursery babies 0+ and solid biblical teaching for ages 2 through 6th grade for both The Training Hour and the Sunday worship service (Children's Church - KFC Kids for Christ). 

Time Commitment: Sunday mornings once every 4 to 5 weeks on a rotating basis



Kyle Astadurian


Team Leader: Kyle Astadurian

(Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed) Through Biblical evangelism and discipleship, AWANA trains children to become tomorrow's Christian leaders using the Word of God, scripture memorization, games and events. Club range: 3 years of age through grade six. 

Tasks: Volunteers assist on club night as leaders. Bible memory verse listeners, helpers with clubs, crafts and as game assistants.

Time Commitment: Every Sunday Evening from September-March, 4:00-7:00pm



Taylor Sinclair WebLibraries & Welcome Ministries 

Team Leader: Taylor Sinclair

There is always a need for volunteers to help with library hours.We have two libraries on campus - a children's library and a theological library. 

Serve as a greeter at the door warmly welcoming everyone who enters. Volunteer at the Connect Corner to help provide information and answer questions regarding ministries and events. Cart drivers to provide parking lot transportation for elderly/handicapped.

Tasks: Volunteers will be trained on how to use our online reference and check out system.

Time Commitment (Libraries): Sunday mornings on monthly rotating basis. 

Time Commitment (Welcome): Sunday Mornings: 2 weeks on/4 weeks off. Cart drivers on monthly rotation.



Teri NelsonMedical Team

Team Leader: Teri Nelson

Tasks: The Medical Team provides on-duty coverage to respond to medical requests and emergencies. Medical Team Personnel are currently licensed or certified medical professionals such as Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, Nurses, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and Physicians. First Responder experience is preferred.

Time Commitment: We are regularly scheduled during the Training Hour and Worship Hour on Sunday mornings, and also at other church events such as the Memorial Picnic or Youth Retreat. We typically serve about once every six weeks.