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Getting To Know Us

Getting To Know Us

Making, Maturing, & Multiplying Disciples of Jesus Christ.

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding Foothill Bible Church (FBC).

General Information

What is FBC all about? What makes this church unique?

Our mission statement is "Making, maturing, and multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ." We are a non-denominational fellowship devoted to discipleship and teaching systematically through God's Word. FBC is unique in the fact that we are among the few successful church mergers and are continuing to grow in God's grace, 20+ years after the merger.

What does FBC believe?

Please go to our "What We Teach" page for a summary of our doctrinal statement.

How long has FBC been in existence?

FBC is the result of a church merge in 1993 with Foothill Baptist and Upland Bible Church. For more information, view our video.

Who leads the church?

We are an elder-led congregation. Please click here to view our elders.

Where did your pastor attend seminary?

Pastor Micah graduated from The Master's Seminary in 2013, for more information, go to "Meet Our Teaching Pastor" page.

Does your church practice membership?

Yes. Go to our "Membership" page for information on our New Members Class and why we practice Membership.

What are your office hours?

Our office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. If you have further questions, you can call the church office or email at:


Weekly Services

What does a FBC Sunday service look like? What about the music?

Our Sunday service runs from 10:30am- 12noon. The order consists of worship music, scripture reading and prayer, more music, offering and announcments and approximately 50 minutes of teaching from God's Word. Also included once a month are: communion, mission spotlights, baptisms, membership and baby dedications. For more information, please go to our "What to Expect" page.

Is it okay to bring my children in the worship service?

Yes. However, we encourage you to read more on our "Children's Ministry" page.

What is the average weekly attendance?

Our weekly attendance is approximately 375-425 on a Sunday morning.

What Bible version do you use?

We teach from the English Standard Version Bible (ESV).

What about for young adults?

Currently we offer mid-week studies for College (Crossroads) & Young Professionals.

Does FBC have something for children and youth?

We offer Sunday morning ministry for ages 0-6 grade and AWANA during the fall. More on "Children's Ministry" page. Our Student Ministry (Jr. High/High School) is called ONE28

How does FBC do communion?

We practice the ordinance of communion (The Lord’s Supper) once a month by passing out the elements and then taking them together corporately.

How often do you have baptisms?

We reserve the third Sunday of each month for baptism. Go to our "Baptism" page for more information.

How can I get sermon notes?

Contact the church office and ask to be added to the sermon distribution list. Notes are not available online.