Equipping Hour is back!
Join us in the Gym at 9am on Sundays.
Kids ministry is open during Equipping Hour, so drop your kids off to learn God's word with our awesome team and join us in prayer and classes each Sunday.
Equipping Hour is in the Gym from 9-10am on Sundays.
Join us on the first Sunday each month for corporate prayer focused on people, ministries, and events.
The rest of the month we have a selection of classes to help you grow in your walk with the Lord and relationship with one another.
Join us on the first Sunday of each month in room O-15 as we pray for our church family, community, country and the world
Instructor: Miscellaneous - Join us this spring for a unique Equipping Hour Class—we’ve never offered one like this before! We will explore various passages of Scripture, all centered on the theme of a Gospel-centered life. We will examine how the gospel changes not only our destiny but also our daily lives.
This class will be presented in a preaching format. Eight men will seek to affirm and refine their gifting to exposit the Scriptures. Your involvement in this class will have a tangible effect on FBC's future ministry.

Instructor: Art Nakamura - Join us for an Equipping Hour class focused on how God calls His people to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and how the local church is uniquely designed to carry out this mission. Together, we will explore the biblical mandate to make disciples of all nations and examine the church's role in equipping believers, supporting missions, and proclaiming the gospel. Discover practical ways you can actively engage in this mission as a vital member of Christ’s body through the life and ministry of the local church.