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Mercy Ministries

Mercy Ministries

Mercy ministries are the tangible expressions of Christ's love to the body of Christ and to the community around FBC. These acts of benevolence and care are demonstrated through ministering to the financially distressed, physically disabled, and senior shut-ins within the FBC community by the deacons. Other demonstrations of care include foreign adoption, temporal shelter, food and clothing assistance, and addressing crisis care needs.

However, mercy ministries only serves as the MEANS to present the gospel and point to our gracious and merciful God in Jesus Christ.

"To convert one sinner from his way is an event of greater importance than the deliverance of a whole kingdom from temporal evil." (George Smeaton)

For more information, please contact one of the deacons of FBC.

"All the blessings we enjoy are divine deposits, committed to our trust on this condition, that they should be dispensed for the benefit of our neighbors." - John Calvin