Attention Parents! We would love to display your kid’s artwork or craft projects at the Foothill County Fair! Please have them draw, paint or color a picture to hang in our kids art gallery or bring a small craft to display on one of our craft tables. You may drop off their artwork in their Sunday School classrooms with their teachers, at the church office during the week, or drop them at the Connection Corner on Sundays. The deadline is Sunday, November 30. Please include their name, age and if they want, the ‘title’ of their masterpiece. There is a limit of one entry per child. They will be displayed in the gym the day of the fair.
We would like to honor those who served in the military and/or as first responders at the fair. We would like all those who have served (or are currently serving) to display things that will share with us about your experiences. It can be pictures, medals, memorabilia, uniforms, whatever you desire. Please contact Kathy Johnson if you are interested in displaying or the church office if you have any questions regarding your display.