ONE28 Retreat


Encountering the Living God

Who is God? What is God like? How does He interact with us? And how are we to respond to Him? Our understanding of God is foundational to how we live. The decisions we make, the friends we choose, the things we pursue, and what we avoid are all impacted by what we believe about God. Join us for retreat, where we will study Moses's encounter with God at the burning bush to learn who God is and how the knowledge of God changes the way we live. 


October 22-24, 2021

Check-in on Friday: 2:30-3:30 pm.

Pick-up on Sunday: 12:00 pm.



Ironwood Camp Newberry Springs, CA



$150 per student. Cost covers camp fees, transportation, and camp t-shirt.

Payment Options

  1. Pay the entire amount with registration.
  2. Pay $25 deposit per child with registration, and the remaining balance on October 22nd. 
  3. Payment plan: Pay $25 per child with registration by September 30th, half the remaining balance by October 22nd, and the second half by November 17th. 

Please make checks payable to Foothill Bible Church. All registrations are due by September 30th. Payment is due by October 22nd (unless you are paying with the payment plan). 


Financial Assistance

We don't want any student to be prohibited from coming on the retreat due to finances. If you need a scholarship, we ask that you pay what you are able. We will cover the rest.

To Register

Registration for the 2021 Retreat is closed.






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